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Please keep in mind that this project is still in development.

Welcome to the developer documentation of KitchenOwl. If you want to contribute or set up a self-hosted instance of KitchenOwl you're at the right place. Otherwise, you can find general information on the main website.

Main Website Get Started with Self Hosting

🤖 App Install

Get it on your favorite app store or find the current release for your operating system on the releases page. Please take a quick look at Tips & Tricks to get the best experience in the app.

Get it on Google Play Get it on F-Droid Get it on the AppStore Get it on the Home Assistant Community Store


  • Native Mobile/Web/Desktop apps with a great design
  • Add items to your shopping list and sync them in real-time with multiple users
  • Partial offline support, so you don't lose track of what to buy even when there is no signal
  • Manage recipes and add them to your shopping list
  • Share recipes with friends and family
  • Create a meal plan to always know what you'll be eating
  • Manage balances and track expenses of your household

Future Features

For a list of planned features check out the Project Board.

📜 License

KitchenOwl is Free Software: You can use, study share and improve it at your will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the AGPL-3.0 License.

Read the License